Friday, March 4, 2011

Harsh Hints or Fate?

So I've been thinking lately...
I recently went and talked to a teacher of mine about my concerns on some things. I am one who gets stressed out easily and lately, that has been happening a lot. I have a butt load on my plate, and it's been really rough. I told her of the classes I have this semester -- biology, chemistry, chemistry lab, human development, human anatomy, human anatomy lab, circuit weight training, and institute (I am the class president in my class, too). I thought that this would help (talking to her, I mean), but I left there feeling a bit inadequate; not smart enough or that I couldn't handle it all. She basically flat out told me that if I couldn't handle the stress of her class right now, I definitely wouldn't be able to handle all of the stress when I
was in the nursing program (if I even got in; they only accept 20 people each year) and I should possibly even consider switching my major. She also said that if I didn't get an"A" in her class, that I wouldn't have a prayer of being able to get into the program since it is so competitive. So I was just feeling really discouraged. I didn't know whether or not this was a sign of "Hey, this isn't the major for should take the hint and switch," or "Hey, this is just a really rough time in your life right now....a trial of your faith. But you need to learn something from it." I am not one to quit; I am not a quitter. I don't want my dream of becoming a nurse one day to be shot down just because one person told me "You can't." I'm stronger than that. I just need to turn to my Heavenly Father and figure out what the rest of my unwritten story is all about. I have a friend who actually made up a quote, but it really stood out to me and I really like it: "Our parents are the authors of our bodies. God is the author of our spirits. But WE are the authors of our lives. Write an award winning novel." And I want to love the
story I write. I want to live an "award winning" life! Overcoming trials makes for an interesting story, right?

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