Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 76...The Role of a Father

Day 76:
-Read: 3 Nephi 3-5
-Mark: 3 Nephi 3:12-14; 4:1o

"In providing out-of-home activities for the family, we must use care; otherwise, we could be like a father determined to provide everything for his family. He devotes every energy to that end and succeeds; only then does he discover that what they needed most, to be together as a family, has been neglected."
~President Boyd K. Packer

Something to think about: How can you help your family receive the strength that comes from being "gathered together"?

Today's reading, and the quote that was shared, reminded me of a story shared by a newly found friend of mine. I don't think he realizes, but I'm so thankful for him and his fine example, and that he decided to share this story with me. It just amazed me, and made me even more grateful for my earthly Father and the great job he has.

So this particular young man, once he graduates college, has plans of becoming a businessman per se. He served his mission in Brazil and loved everything about it (the people, the scenery, the food, the work....) so much that he wishes to return one day to live for a couple years. (Bytheway, these next photos are actual ones from his mission. He sent me a few.)

The story he shared with me you may be wondering? ....The men of that country work so dang hard. He knows of many men who sacrifice 120 HOURS a week (that's 17 hours a day!), working multiple jobs, just so they are able to make ends meet and care for and support their families. This leaves only 7ish hours each day for them to sleep and spend time with their wife and children. When I heard this, it not only amazed me of their loving sacrifice, but it made me very sad for them. My dad doesn't work nearly that many hours each week, and sometimes it still feels like we don't get enough time with him!

This story happily continues, because this young man has plans to go back to Brazil (like I before mentioned). Why? Well, he wants to take his business there, and offer jobs to these Courageous Fathers, making it so they only have to work 8 hour shifts, but still allowing them to make what they need to survive and feel comfortable. I this this is a very beautiful and noble decision on his part. I can't imagine how grateful those people will be to him one day (even more than they probably already are from his decision to serve as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for them).

So what I have to say to you today is: just be grateful that we live in such a wonderful place where for the most part, such extremes are not needed. For those of you that are already fathers.....if the 120 hour work weeks are not needed: please plan your life and make changes so that you can have that extra time to spend with your wife on a date, or playing with and teaching your children. They need that. Family time is so very important. Why do you think that Heavenly Father made it so we can be together with our families for ETERNITY, but we can't take our earthly possessions (the things that don't really matter in the end: money, cars, electronics, etc.) with us when we die? We need one another.

Most of my Christmas break was spent with my family just talking, playing games, having family dinner, and just enjoying one another's company. It was wonderful. I noticed a big difference in how we acted toward one another compared to Christmas break last year. For me, last year most of my friends were still here and so I spent a lot of time hanging with them, when in reality, I should have made more time for my forever best friends; my family.

For those of you who are not yet fathers, but plan to take on that role one day: please take all of this into consideration as well, and make your life plans accordingly. Work hard in school so that you are able to gain a good education so that you can not only be a support to your future family, but you can be a Father to them and help in teaching them and loving them.

The role of being a Mother is beautiful thing, but so can the role a Father plays. Also, in the church, Fathers have the opportunity to hold something very powerful.....the Priesthood. That is not something us women get the chance to do. In D&C 121:39 and 41 it says:
39) We have learned by sad experience that it is the nature and disposition of almost all men, as soon as they get a little authority, as they suppose, they will immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion.

41) No power or influence can or ought to be maintained by virtue of the priesthood, only by persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and meekness, and by love unfeigned;

A quote from the talk "The Role of Fathers", given by A. Theodore Tuttle in 1973 says,
"There is yet another intrusion into the home that needs to be mentioned. It is an unwise father who carries to his family his daily business cares. They disturb the peace existing there. He should leave his worries at the office and enter his home with the spirit of peace in his heart and with the love of God burning within him. If there is friction, his presence should soothe it. If there is turmoil, he should resolve it."

He continues:
"Fathers, draw close to your children. Learn to communicate. Learn to listen. This means giving a father’s most valuable commodity—time! Only good results occur when a father interviews his sons and daughters regularly. He can know their problems and their hopes. He can align himself with them as their unconditional friend. To the extent we become friends with our children in unconditional love, to that extent we become like our Heavenly Father."

To Mothers and Fathers both: Always remember how important family is, and the time that is spent is vitally important. Love one another. Make time for one another. But also make time for your children :)
To my friend: a quick thank you for sharing your story with me. I was very impressed, and I've thought a lot about it since then, and so today when I did my scripture reading, I knew exactly what I wanted to share with everyone. So, thank you :)
To my Father: Thank you for the Father you have been to me and the Father you still are today. Your example is tremendous, and I KNOW for 100% fact that you love me. I love you so much!!

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