Saturday, January 21, 2012

Day 89 ~ The Light of Christ in Me

Day 89:
-Read: Mormon 5-7
-Mark: Mormon 6:16-20

"The tragedy of the Book of Mormon is not what became of the Nephites but what the Nephites became."
~Hugh Nibley

Something to think about: What led to the fall of the Nephites? What things do you do each day to stay strong?

It's not just about reading the Book of Mormon. It's about the person you become while reading it. I know for me, by doing this challenge, there has been a new light and spirit about me. I can honestly say I am happier. I don't stress out as much like I used to.

When I was home over Christmas break, I saw a friend I haven't seen for a while. He said there was something that seemed different about me, that I just had "a glow about [me]." That was really neat to hear, especially coming from him. He said my eyes just were so bright and happy.

Now, I wouldn't classify myself as an unhappy person before, but I wasn't up to where I should be with my daily prayers and scripture study--so this definitely makes a difference.

I love this gospel with all of my heart. I'm so grateful for the light of Christ in my life, and for good examples around me, keeping me motivated and wanting to be better.


  1. Gosh....I just look at that picture and think, "What a beautiful, beautiful girl - inside and out."
