Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 87

Day 87:
-Read: 3 Nephi 29 - Mormon 1
-Mark: Mormon 1:13-15

"[President Brigham Young said] 'I want you to teach the people -- and I want you to follow this counsel yourself -- that they must labor and so live as to obtain the Holy Spirit, for without this you cannot build up the kingdom; without the spirit of God you are in danger of walking in the dark."
~President Wilford Woodruff

Something to think about: As a young man Mormon enjoyed the blessings of the Lord despite living in a wicked society. How can you keep the Spirit with you regardless of conditions in the world?

I'm so sorry I don't have anything to say to go along with this. If I had the time to really write, I totally would! I read this morning but had to shoot off to class and have been busy and gone all day. As of now I have another study group to head to....but here's today's reading! Just always try to have a good mindset about you is what I would say. Even though things in this world are dark and unhappy, if you do what is right and have the Spirit with you: YOU WILL BE HAPPY!

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