Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day 37

Day 37:
-Read: Mosiah 26-28
-Mark: Mosiah 26:29-30

"You always need to confess your sins to the Lord. If they are serious transgressions, such as immorality, they need to be confessed to a bishop or stake president. Please understand that confession is not repentance. It is an essential step, but is not of itself adequate. Partial confession by mentioning lesser mistakes will not help you resolve a more serious, undisclosed transgression. Essential to forgiveness is a willingness to fully disclose to the Lord and, where necessary, His priesthood judge all that you have done.”
~ Elder Richard G. Scott

Something to think about: Why is confession an essential part of repentance?

Interestingly enough, we have been talking about Repentance in my institute class the past few classes. In fact, I think today's lesson we'll be finishing up on it. :)

One of the questions our teacher asked us was, "After we repent, is forgetting the sin evidence that we are forgiven?" The answer is no. You don't want to completely forget your sin(s). If you do, you might just repeat them over again! The Lord will forget us of our sins, if we repent. Like I said, if we have fully repented, we should not completely forget our sin, but rather just not dwell on them. The past is past; don't let your past sin eat you up if you have repented. Let God forgive you. Let Him take away that pain you once felt. You are not the person you used to be....learn from sin, don't let it bring you down.

So, what are the steps of repentance?
--A: Admitting you sinned/were wrong
--B: Be sorry.....feel Godly sorrow
--C: Confess and forsake your sins, and make restitution
--D: Don't do it again :) Learn from the experience! Ask God for His forgiveness.
--E: Endure to the end!!

God knows we are not perfect. The great thing is, HE DOESN'T EXPECT US TO BE!!! Just do your very best, and repent if you know you have done something wrong. He loves us, and only wants us to be able to come home to Him again one day.

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