Day 38:
-Read: Mosiah 29 - Alma 1
-Mark: Alma 1:6, 16
"The Nephite prophets repeatedly identified the wearing of costly clothing with apostasy and failure to live by gospel standards."
Something to think about: What might your way of dressing say about you?
The other day, this guy was telling me that he always felt attracted to "Mormon girls" because of the way they dressed. He was telling me it was awesome that I didn't dress like a "slut", and that made me more attractive to him.
I think we really underestimate how the way we dress portrays the type of person we are/want to become. Also, the world seems to think that the more scantily you dress, the more attractive you are. In reality, I don't think this is so. The way you dress will also determine the type of person you are going to attract. Just think about that the next time you leave the house. "Who do I want to attract today?"
One quick, last thought. The Lord answers prayers in a most interesting fashion sometimes :) We need to always try and recognize His hand in our lives. So last night during my bedtime prayer, I prayed that Heavenly Father would help me wake up earlier this morning so I could get my scripture study in and some last minute reviewing for my BioChemistry lab final that I had this morning at 9:00. Well, come 6:40ish, there is a noise outside my bedroom window. Someone was so rudely and LOUDLY shoveling the snow from the walkway right next to my room. At first it startled me and honestly, really irritated my tired soul....but then I realized: this is my wake up call! Now get up before you fall back asleep, dummy! Haha. I'm grateful for that little blessing the Lord sent this morning to me.
I hope all of you have a most excellent day and look for the little blessings in your life. And dress warmly! It's freezing out there!
Yay! My daughter recognized that God was answering her prayer, even though it wasn't in the way she expected! That's SO big! Yippee!!! :)