Sunday, December 4, 2011

Day 41

Day 41:
-Read: Alma 7-9
-Mark: Alma 7:11-12

"To succor means to 'run to.' I testify that in my fears and in my infirmities the Savior has surely run to me. I will never be able to thank Him enough for such personal kindness and such loving care."
~Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

Something to think about: Why is it helpful to remember that the Savior knows what it's like to have your problems?

Today has been the most beautiful day!! I love the opportunity to fast and the opportunity to go to church and participate in fast and testimony meeting. I'm so grateful for the testimony that I have, and also for the many testimonies of others that help to strengthen mine. I love this church, I honestly do. These past few months since I started doing this challenge have been really amazing. I am truly happy, even through the hard times. I hope all of you are able to feel the same way and can always have the spirit with you. I LOVE YOU ALL!!

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